tirsdag 8. desember 2009

How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age

New Full Text Report: “Lessons Learned: How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age”

From the Abstract:

A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college in six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy. Respondents, while curious in the beginning stages of research, employed a consistent and predictable research strategy for finding information, whether they were conducting course-related or everyday life research. Almost all of the respondents turned to the same set of tried and true information resources in the initial stages of research, regardless of their information goals. Almost all students used course readings and Google first for course-related research and Google and Wikipedia for everyday life research. Most students used library resources, especially scholarly databases for course-related research and far fewer, in comparison, used library services that required interacting with librarians. The findings suggest that students conceptualize research, especially tasks associated with seeking information, as a competency learned by rote, rather than as an opportunity to learn, develop, or expand upon an information-gathering strategy which leverages the wide range of resources available to them in the digital age.


Dette er interessant lesning. Skremmende kanskje sett med bibliotekarbriller, men vi får flere gode råd på slutten av rapporten.

Studenter har gode søkestrategier. De er effektive og leser pensum og fagstoff anbefalt av lærer, og søker deretter i google el.l.for å få en bred oversikt. Bibliotekarenes 7trinns informasjonsøkingsstige blir for omstendelig :)

Bøker blir uhensiktsmessige som informasjonskilder - de er antikvariske, du må slå opp i en indeks bakerst og det finnes ikke hyperkoblinger!

"Today's student are not lazy or unthinking. ..they looks at information sources, systems and services as to how well they meet his og her needs in terms of content, accessibility, and usefullnes."